Car narrowly misses hitting it [Video]

Indian roads are extremely unpredictable, and in just a blink of an eye, anything can appear in front of a person driving. Most commonly, stray animals such as dogs or cows appear out of nowhere and do not give time for people behind the steering to react, hence causing huge accidents. However, drivers paying attention to the roads manage to avoid such accidents, and recently, a video of one such incident has been shared online.

Nilgai jumps in front

This video of a Nilgai jumping in front of oncoming traffic has been shared on YouTube by Nikhil Rana on their channel. The creator of the video mentions that this weird incident has been reported from Delhi. He stated, and it can be seen in the video, that the Nilgai (a large Antelope) out of nowhere came into a highway near the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. It was noted in the video that the Nilgai came from the left side, and the driver of the car, whose dashcam recorded this footage, showed the animal coming onto the road.

Soon after noting the approaching Nilgai, the driver of this particular car managed to slow down. He very narrowly avoided a collision with the huge animal, and the animal was then seen crossing the road. Now, where did this Nilgai come from in such a secured road has not been reported. However, in India, wild animals coming into roads is not a new incident. However, a Nilgai coming on the road near this heavy traffic road is something out of the ordinary.

What to do if an animal comes in front while driving?

Now, as mentioned, it is not uncommon for people to encounter such animals coming in front of a vehicle on highways in India. So if you also come across something similar, here’s what you can do in such a situation.

Stay calm

The first and most important thing that any person can do in such a terrifying situation is to try and calm down. We understand that it’s easier said than done. However, being calm can help in avoiding a collision more than anything else.

Slow down

Another important thing that is very obvious yet people forget to do during a situation of panic is to slow down. When an animal comes in front of the vehicle, the driver should ease off the accelerator and apply the brakes in a gentle manner. Abruptly braking in such a situation can cause the car to skid, and if the weather is rainy, the car or bike could also slip and cause an uncontrollable situation.

Nilgai jumps out of nowhere in a heavy traffic road near Delhi airport: Car narrowly misses hitting it [Video]

Do not swerve

In such a panic situation, drivers should keep note that they should not swerve abruptly. This is because abrupt swerving can cause a loss of control and risk of collision with other vehicles or obstacles like trees and poles on the road.

Honk the horn

Animals can most of the time be scared off by honking the horn. A lot of times, this simple action can cause the animal to stop coming onto the road and help in avoiding an accident.

Nilgai jumps out of nowhere in a heavy traffic road near Delhi airport: Car narrowly misses hitting it [Video]

Pay attention to other drivers

If an animal comes onto a heavy traffic road just like the video above, it becomes extremely important to note that the other drivers will also react to such animals, and their reactions could also cause accidents. So it is extremely important to be aware of the surroundings and other vehicles on the road once you have avoided the accident.

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