Sample Email Newsletter Templates for Budget-Friendly Marketing

Email newsletters are HOT HOT HOT. But I’m not talking about those lame, boring newsletters that get deleted without even being opened. I’m talking about email newsletters your audience can’t wait to get their hands on. The ones they eagerly click open and read from top to bottom. And guess what? These nifty newsletters aren’t just content—they sell stuff too. I know—RIGHT?

Don’t just take my word for it. The data speaks for itself. 

Crafting the perfect email newsletter can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right sample email newsletter templates as your starting point, you can create an engaging and effective newsletter that resonates with your audience. We’ve scoured the web to bring you 10 stunning templates that are sure to inspire your next campaign.

These sample email newsletter templates aren’t just pretty faces—they’re designed with best practices in mind, from mobile-friendly layouts to clear calls-to-action. Whether you’re looking for a sleek, modern design or something more playful and colorful, there’s a template here for every brand and style.

Why Email Newsletters?

I’ll bet it’s been a while since you’ve sent an email newsletter or even thought about one. They seem so passé, right? But here’s the scoop: right now, your biggest challenge as a small business owner—especially if you’re a consultant or industry expert—is connecting with the right audience and converting that audience into prospects and ultimately customers. And email newsletters are a great way to grease the wheels of your customer journey.

Currently, the most popular emails that people receive include some type of deal or coupon—those emails always get opened. But you’re about so much more than a coupon. While giving discounts is nice, you’re not about buying their love—right? You want to build genuine relationships. That’s why I’m going to share the best email newsletter templates that you can use to not only attract new customers but turn them into raving fans. So, let’s ditch the passé and embrace the powerful potential of email newsletters to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more!

Types of Email Newsletters

When it comes to email marketing, one size definitely does not fit all. There are so many different types of email newsletters out there, each with its own unique purpose and style. It’s like a buffet of options, and you get to pick and choose what works best for your business and your audience.

But with so many choices, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. That’s why I’m here to break it down for you and share some of the most popular types of email newsletters out there. Trust me, once you understand the different flavors available, creating your own newsletter design will be a piece of cake.

Curated Content Newsletters

First up, we have curated content newsletters. These bad boys are like the mixtapes of the email world. I subscribe to several marketing oriented curated newsletters and I never want to miss one because it delivers exactly what I’m after and why; the latest news in marketing, marketing technology and marketing strategy, and it gives me topic ideas that I can deconstruct and share with you. 

So how do you create your own curated content newsletter?

You take the best content from around the web, package it up nice and neat, and deliver it straight to your subscribers’ inboxes. It’s a great way to provide value and establish yourself as a go-to resource in your industry.

The key to a killer curated content newsletter is to make sure you’re only sharing the cream of the crop. No one wants to sift through a bunch of mediocre blog posts and articles. So, be selective and only include the stuff that’s truly worth reading. And don’t forget to add your own commentary and insights to give it that personal touch.

Here’s a sample newsletter template that I love:

1.  Subject Line: Give an overview of what’s inside – just the top, most interesting stuff.

2.  Subtly sprinkle promotions and offers at the top, middle and at the end.  If the content is top notch, your audience will appreciate it.  

3.  Create sections that say exactly what the newsletter delivers. 

sample email newsletter templates

Promotional Newsletters

Next up, we have promotional newsletters. These are all about showcasing your products or services and enticing your subscribers to take action. Whether you’re running a sale, launching a new product, or just want to remind people how awesome you are, promotional newsletters are the way to go.

But here’s the thing – you can’t just slap together a bunch of salesy language and call it a day. Your promotional newsletter needs to be engaging, visually appealing, and provide real value to your audience. Use eye-catching images, compelling copy, and clear calls-to-action to grab their attention and inspire them to click through.

One of my FAVORITE promotional newsletters comes from AppSumo.  It’s like a bundle of goodies that I get about once a week, sometimes more.  

Here’s a sample newsletter template that I love:

sample email newsletter templates

This comes from AppSumo. Now, you might not think of this as an email newsletter, but this is an email newsletter template you can totally swipe with your business — especially if you are an affiliate marketer. 

1. Feature a product or service that’s about to “disappear” or where. a discount is going to run out. 

2. Make your descriptions educate and tell the story.

Your biggest challenges with this type of newsletter template is that it’s very expensive to automate.  (believe me, I’ve tried) 

You don’t have. to send this weekly, you can do it monthly and have equally good results. 

Company Update Newsletters

Company update newsletters are like the family holiday letters of the business world. They keep your subscribers in the loop about all the exciting things happening behind the scenes. Whether you’re sharing milestones, introducing new team members, or just giving a general update on your company’s progress, these newsletters help foster a sense of community and connection with your audience.

The key to a great company update newsletter is to strike a balance between informative and entertaining. You want to share the important stuff, but you also want to keep it light and engaging. Use a friendly, conversational tone and don’t be afraid to inject a little humor or personality into your writing.

A lot of coaches and consultants send out this type of newsletter.

sample email newsletter templates

This is a great option if your company doesn’t have a blog.  You can treat your company newsletter as a sort of blog that contains a feature story, some updates on products and services and maybe even some “fun stuff” that will brighten your reader’s day.

While this Lumi newsletter is visually beautiful, yours doesn’t need to be.  Remember it’s all about providing helpful information that will keep customers in the loop.

1. Give your company newsletter a fun name (or not) after all, what’s in a name? 

2. Feature something important, useful, a breakthrough — anything that your READER, Prospect, or customer will want to know

3. Don’t be afraid to talk about problems or challenges your are solving and why they are important. 

4. Feature employees. You can feature customer service employees, trainers, folks who work on the manufacturing line, etc. Keep the information focused on the customer first and how this employee delivers on the promise of your customer. 

Event Newsletters

Event newsletters are all about building buzz and driving attendance for your upcoming events. Whether you’re hosting a webinar, conference, or workshop, or attending an industry trade show, these newsletters are your chance to get people excited and motivated to sign up or connect with you.

To create an effective event newsletter, you need to focus on the benefits and value that attendees will get from participating. Use compelling headlines, engaging visuals, and clear calls-to-action to make it easy for people to register. And don’t forget to include all the important details like date, time, location, and any special guests or speakers.

sample email newsletter templates

I recently attended CEX, a content marketing conference for independent content creators. If you’re participating in an event like a trade show or conference, it’s a great idea to send a regular event newsletter. 

Here is an event email newsletter template you can follow:

1. Grab the logo and graphics for the event and create. a banner.

2. Make a content plan for what’s going to go in the email series.  Plan it all out, add dates and content that’s going to be in the email.  Remember to set goals for the event, outline the benefits for attendees, and brainstorm some fun ways to engage with your audience before, during and after the event. 

3. Make sure that your event email has sections and short sentences or bullets with the most important information. 

Digest Newsletters

Last but not least, we have digest newsletters. These are like the “greatest hits” of your content, all wrapped up in one convenient package. They’re perfect for busy subscribers who don’t have time to keep up with all your latest blog posts, articles, or resources on a daily basis.

To create a winning digest newsletter, focus on curating your best and most popular content from the past week or month. Use engaging headlines and short summaries to give people a taste of what each piece is about, and include links back to the full articles on your website. And don’t forget to add a little commentary or personal insight to make it feel like more than just a list of links.

While a curated email newsletter has curated content from a variety of sources (not just yours), a digest newsletter is a way to group YOUR content on a specific theme and send it as an email.

If you have a blog, you can select a category or topic and feature content that your audience may have missed. 

Essential Elements of an Effective Email Newsletter Template

sample email newsletter templates

Creating an email newsletter that actually gets opened, read, and acted upon is no easy feat. It takes a combination of compelling content, eye-catching design, and strategic planning to really make an impact. But fear not, my friend – I’m here to share some of the essential elements that every effective email newsletter template should have.

Compelling Subject Line

First and foremost, you need a subject line that’s going to grab people’s attention and make them want to click. This is your one chance to make a first impression and convince subscribers that your email is worth opening. So, how do you craft a compelling subject line? Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Use action-oriented language and try to evoke curiosity or urgency. And don’t be afraid to get a little creative – a clever pun or a bit of humor can go a long way.

Once you’ve nailed your subject line, it’s time to focus on your preheader text. This is the short summary that appears next to the subject line in most email clients, and it’s another opportunity to entice readers to open your email. Use this space to expand on your subject line and give a little more context about what’s inside. Keep it concise and compelling, and make sure it aligns with the content of your email.

Consistent Branding

Consistency is key when it comes to email newsletter design. Your template should reflect your brand’s visual identity, from the colors and fonts to the overall look and feel. This helps create a cohesive experience for your subscribers and reinforces your brand recognition. Plus, it makes your emails instantly recognizable in a crowded inbox.

Clear Call-to-Action

Every email newsletter should have a clear purpose and a specific action you want your readers to take. Whether it’s clicking through to your website, making a purchase, or signing up for an event, your call-to-action (CTA) should be prominently displayed and easy to find. Use bold, contrasting colors and action-oriented language to make your CTA stand out and encourage clicks.

Mobile-Friendly Design

In today’s mobile-first world, it’s essential that your email newsletter template is optimized for smaller screens. More than half of all emails are now opened on mobile devices, so if your design isn’t responsive, you’re missing out on a huge chunk of your audience. Make sure your layout is simple and easy to navigate, your font sizes are large enough to read, and your images are optimized for fast loading times.

Unsubscribe Option

Last but not least, every email newsletter should include an easy way for subscribers to opt out if they no longer want to receive your emails. Not only is this a legal requirement in most countries, but it’s also just good practice. Make sure your unsubscribe link is clearly visible and easy to find, and honor any unsubscribe requests promptly. It’s better to have a smaller list of engaged subscribers than a large list of people who never open your emails.

How to Customize Your Email Newsletter Template

sample email newsletter templates

One of the best things about using an email newsletter template is that it gives you a solid foundation to work from, but you still have the flexibility to make it your own. Customizing your template to reflect your brand’s unique personality and style is essential for creating a memorable and effective email marketing campaign.

The first step in customizing your email newsletter template is to incorporate your brand colors and logo. This helps create a cohesive and recognizable look that reinforces your brand identity. Use your primary brand colors for headlines, buttons, and other key elements, and make sure your logo is prominently displayed at the top of your template.

If you’re not sure where to start with color schemes, try using a tool like My Brand Kit to easily import your brand colors and ensure consistency across all your marketing materials.

Use High-Quality Images

Visuals are a crucial component of any effective email newsletter, and using high-quality images can make a big impact on your overall design. Choose images that are relevant to your content and that help tell your brand’s story. If you’re showcasing products, make sure your images are clear, well-lit, and accurately represent what you’re selling.

When selecting images, keep in mind that not all of your subscribers will have images enabled in their email clients. Make sure to include descriptive alt text for each image so that even if the visual doesn’t load, your message still comes across loud and clear.

Personalize Your Content

Personalization is key when it comes to email marketing, and customizing your newsletter template is a great opportunity to add a personal touch. Use merge tags to address your subscribers by name, and segment your list based on interests, behaviors, or demographics to ensure that each subscriber is getting content that’s relevant to them.

You can also use dynamic content blocks to show different messages or offers to different segments of your list. For example, if you have a group of subscribers who have previously purchased from you, you might show them a special loyalty discount or early access to a new product launch.

Optimize for Different Email Clients

One of the biggest challenges of email marketing is ensuring that your newsletter template looks great across all the different email clients and devices that your subscribers might be using. From Gmail to Outlook to Apple Mail, each client has its own quirks and rendering issues that can impact how your email displays.

To ensure a consistent experience for all your subscribers, it’s important to test your template across multiple clients and devices. Use a tool like Litmus or Email on Acid to preview your email in different clients and make any necessary adjustments to your code or design.

Test and Refine Your Design

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with your email newsletter template and make tweaks and refinements over time. Use A/B testing to try out different subject lines, calls-to-action, or layout options and see what resonates best with your audience.

Pay attention to your email analytics and track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Use this data to inform your future email newsletter design decisions and continually optimize your template for maximum impact.

Remember, your email newsletter is an extension of your brand and a powerful tool for building relationships with your subscribers. By customizing your template to reflect your unique voice and style, you can create a memorable and effective email marketing campaign that drives real results for your business.


Key Takeaway: 


Email newsletters come in many forms, each serving a unique purpose. Curated content shares top industry reads; promotional ones showcase your products or services. Company updates keep subscribers informed about internal news, while event newsletters drive attendance to events. Digest newsletters summarize key content for busy readers.


Best Practices for Creating Engaging Email Newsletter Content

sample email newsletter templates

You know your email newsletter is a golden opportunity to connect with your audience. But how do you create content that truly resonates? As someone who’s been in the email marketing trenches for years, I’ve learned a few key strategies that can take your newsletters from meh to must-read.

Know Your Audience

First and foremost, you’ve got to know your people inside and out. What keeps them up at night? What are their biggest challenges and aspirations? The more intimately you understand your subscribers, the better equipped you’ll be to craft email content that hits home.

I remember when I first started out with email marketing, I made the mistake of assuming I knew what my audience wanted. Boy, was I wrong. It wasn’t until I really dug deep – conducting surveys, analyzing engagement data, and having actual conversations with subscribers – that I was able to fine-tune my content to their specific needs and interests.

Keep Content Concise and Scannable

In today’s attention-starved world, ain’t nobody got time for long-winded emails. Keep your newsletter content tight and digestible, with short paragraphs, bullet points, and plenty of white space. Make it easy for readers to quickly scan and absorb the key takeaways.

One tactic I love is using eye-catching subheadings to break up the text and guide readers through the content. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs – you want to entice them to keep reading and discovering those valuable nuggets you’ve sprinkled throughout.

Use Compelling Visuals

Never underestimate the power of a striking image or well-designed graphic to grab attention and drive home your message. Visuals add personality, break up text, and make your email newsletters infinitely more engaging.

In fact, research shows that people are 65% more likely to remember information when it’s paired with a relevant image. So don’t be afraid to get creative with your visuals – just make sure they’re high-quality, on-brand, and add value to your content.

Your email newsletter shouldn’t be a dead end – it should be a launching pad for deeper engagement. Pepper your content with relevant links that encourage readers to explore your website, blog, or other resources.

Just be strategic about it. Don’t overwhelm them with too many links or send them down a rabbit hole that distracts from your core message. Choose your links wisely and make sure they enrich the reader’s experience and support your overall marketing goals.

Encourage Feedback and Interaction

The best email newsletters aren’t one-way broadcasts – they’re conversation starters. Make your readers feel valued and heard by actively encouraging their feedback and participation.

Include surveys, polls, or quick-hit questions to gather insights and spark dialogue. Invite them to reply to your emails or join the discussion on social media. The more you can foster a sense of community and interaction, the more invested your subscribers will become in your brand and content.

At the end of the day, creating engaging email newsletter content is all about putting your audience first. Craft your messaging and visuals around their needs, interests, and preferences. Deliver value in every send, and always strive to exceed their expectations. With these best practices as your guide, you’ll be well on your way to building an email newsletter that your subscribers can’t wait to open.

Measuring the Success of Your Email Newsletter Campaigns

sample email newsletter templates

You’ve spent countless hours perfecting that email newsletter, and while clicking “send” feels amazing, how do you track your success? Measuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns is key for making strategy tweaks and showcasing the return on your time and effort. 

Track Open and Click-Through Rates

Open rates and click-through rates (CTR) are the bread and butter of email marketing metrics. Your open rate tells you how many people are actually laying eyes on your newsletter, while your CTR reveals how many are engaging with your content and calls-to-action.

Industry benchmarks vary, but generally speaking, an open rate of 20-30% and a CTR of 2-5% are considered solid. Keep an eye on these metrics over time to gauge the effectiveness of your subject lines, content, and overall email performance.

Track Unsubscribe Rates

Unsubscribes are a natural part of email marketing, but a sudden spike in opt-outs can be a red flag. Keep a close watch on your unsubscribe rates and aim to keep them below 0.5% per campaign.

If you see a surge in unsubscribes, take a step back and assess what might be turning people off. Are you sending too frequently? Is your content missing the mark? Use that feedback to course-correct and improve your email strategy moving forward.

Analyze Website Traffic and Conversions

Your email newsletters don’t exist in a vacuum – they’re designed to drive traffic and engagement on your website. Use Google Analytics or other web analytics tools to track how much traffic your campaigns are generating and what subscribers do once they land on your site.

Think about high bounce rates and low engagement as red flags waving at you. Dig into metrics like time spent on your site or how many click through direct from email – these could show mismatch between what your email promised, and what the content on your website delivered. 

Conduct Reader Surveys

Sometimes the best way to measure success is to simply ask your subscribers what they think. Conduct periodic reader surveys to gather feedback on your email content, frequency, design, and overall value.

You can use tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to create simple surveys and include them right in your email newsletters. Not only will you gain valuable insights, but you’ll also show your subscribers that you value their opinions and are committed to improving their experience.

Continuously Improve Based on Data Insights

The most successful email marketers are the ones who never stop learning and optimizing. Use the data and insights you gather from your metrics and surveys to continuously refine your email newsletter strategy.

A/B test different subject lines, content formats, and calls-to-action to see what resonates best with your audience. Segment your email list based on subscriber preferences and behaviors to deliver more targeted, relevant content. And don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas and approaches – you never know what might strike a chord with your readers.

Remember, measuring the success of your email newsletter campaigns is an ongoing process. By tracking the right metrics, gathering subscriber feedback, and using those insights to inform your strategy, you can create email newsletters that not only engage and delight your audience but also drive real results for your business.


Key Takeaway: 


Connect with your audience by knowing their needs and challenges. Keep content concise, use visuals, include relevant links, and encourage feedback. Measure success through open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, website traffic analysis, and reader surveys. Continuously improve based on data insights to drive engagement.


FAQs in Relation to Sample Email Newsletter Templates

What is the best format for an email newsletter?

A great email newsletter combines a catchy subject line, engaging visuals, clear call-to-action, and mobile-friendly design.

How to create a newsletter for email?

Select a pre-made template. Customize it with your brand colors and logo. Add compelling content and images.

How do you write content for an email newsletter?

Know your audience. Keep it concise. Use visuals to grab attention. Include relevant links that provide value.

Does Outlook have email newsletter templates?

Nope, but you can import external templates or use third-party tools compatible with Outlook’s interface.


Feeling inspired by these sample email newsletter templates? We thought so! Remember, the key to a successful newsletter is to balance eye-catching design with compelling content that provides real value to your subscribers.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different layouts, color schemes, and content types until you find the perfect formula for your audience. And most importantly, always keep your readers’ needs and preferences at the forefront of your mind.

Ready to take your email newsletters to the next level? Start with one of these stunning templates and watch your engagement soar!

Ready to dive deeper into this topic? Schedule a private 1:1 session for just $197 and let’s work it out together! Book NOW to get this off your plate. 

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