Raspberry ribbons recipe, raspberry ribbon slices

Raspberry ribbons, soft, shortbread like jam filled butter cookies perfect for the holiday season

Raspberry ribbons are elegant, buttery shortbread like cookies filled with jam and drizzed with sugar glaze. They also go by the name raspberry ribbon slices and are popular in Finland and Scandinavian countries like Denmark. In Finland, they are popular as Finnish holiday cookies and elsewhere as raspberry cookies. These baked beauties are a close cousin to the traditional thumbprint jam butter cookies and are a true taste of the holiday season.

raspberry ribbons

These festive cookies are simple to make with minimal ingredients as well as minimal effort. They are soft on bite and have a fruity flavor with a hint of citrus that balances the sweetness of the cookie. The cookie dough rolls out easily and you can form a trench in the middle of each log using your finger or handle of a wooden spoon.

raspberry ribbon cookies reciperaspberry ribbon slices

cookie dough before baking & after filling of jam

One of the best things about this cookies recipe is that you can fill them with any flavor of your choice. I usually stock on three to four flavors of jam at any given time which include mixed fruit, orange marmalade, pineapple or mango. I have used mixed fruit jam and pineapple jam as I did not have raspberry jam on hand.

raspberry ribbon cookies

raspberry ribbon slices

Raspberry ribbons make a welcome addition to any cookie tray especially around Christmas and New Year’s time. They make for great homemade edible gift. A fragrant shortbread that is a perfect combination of sweet, fruity, tangy, buttery and crumbly. In other words, raspberry cookies taste brilliant and make for a perfect end of the year treat.

raspberry ribbons recipe

raspberry ribbon cookies

Raspberry ribbon slices have become one of Nehal’s favorite. Kids LOVE them and so do adults. 🙂

Learn how to make raspberry ribbons recipe

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