Kevin Costner finds love in Jewel months after divorce, here’s how | Hollywood

American actor and filmmaker Kevin Costner has finally been struck by the cupid’s arrow, months after his divorce from ex-wife Christine Baumgartner.

The 68-year-old has found love in longtime friend, singer-songwriter Jewel Kilcher.

The 68-year-old has found love in longtime friend, singer-songwriter Jewel Kilcher. Their mutual friend, billionaire Richard Branson is credited for their newfound relationship as the 73-year-old played matchmaker when he invited both his friends to his resort on Necker Island in the Caribbean.

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In a photograph viral on the internet, the Oscar winner actor is seen with his arms around Jewel’s waist. They have also posed together for group shots. The duo reportedly grew close during the Thanksgiving weekend where Jewel is believed to have fallen for the actor’s ‘country western vibe’

According to a source, they are said to be ‘having fun’ but are not ‘serious.’

“Jewel likes herself a man’s man and she is all about Kevin’s country western vibe. They are not serious right now, but they are having fun,” said the source in an interview with the Daily Mail.

“Richard is 100 percent responsible for Kevin and Jewel hooking up. She has been a friend of Branson’s for years and he has been a close friend of Kevin’s since the 1990’s,” they added.

Allegedly, Richard invited Kevin to his luxury island to distract him from the recent divorce, along with offering Jewel to host her charity fundraiser for the Inspiring Children Foundation at the same place.

‘Richard invited Jewel to hold her charity fundraiser on Necker and, honestly, the hookup happened organically,’ the source continued. ‘They hit it off well and Jewel seems to be happy about it.

‘She is not really one for words, but her friends can see a light in her that hasn’t been there in quite some time.’

The first time the rumours of the two being together came during Jewel’s fundraiser where they hung out together and also played tennis with Richard.

“There was definitely something going on. They were flirty, and when they were together, it was like they both just lit up. You could tell they were trying to be discreet, but anybody who saw them could tell something was going on,” said a source who saw the couple during the stay.

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