Email Simplified: The Best Small Business Email Marketing Tools

Have you ever noticed how small business email marketing tools are sold like exercise equipment. There are hundreds of types of email marketing software out there that promise effortless selling success, but it’s not the tool, it’s the marketing strategy that you choose that will influence which tool you choose. 

In this guide, I’m going to share the best small business email marketing tools based on your level of experience with email marketing and what you intend to use your email marketing software to do. 

When you’re just starting out, your goal is going to be to build your email list and teach your email list to click on links.  A simple email marketing tool will do the trick. You’ll be able to send broadcast emails, like newsletters and coupons. 

Once you become more comfortable and start building marketing funnels and using marketing automation, you’ll need an email marketing software with more features. 

Simple Email Marketing Tools for Beginners

If you’re just getting started with email marketing , you don’t need all the bells and whistles. You need a tool that’s easy to use and will help you get your feet wet without breaking the bank.

Here are my top picks for simple email marketing tools  for beginners:

  • Zoho Campaigns 
  • Mailchimp
  • Constant Contact
  • Sendinblue

These   email marketing platforms are user-friendly, have drag-and-drop editors, and come with pre-designed templates that make it easy to create professional-looking emails.

Advanced Email Marketing Platforms with Automation

Once you’ve gotten the hang of email marketing and are ready to take things to the next level, you’ll want to look for a platform that offers more advanced features like automation.

Automation is a game-changer for small business email marketing . It allows you to send targeted emails to specific segments of your list based on their behavior or interests. This means you can send the right message to the right person at the right time – without having to do it manually.

Some of the best email marketing services with automation include:

  • Zoho Campaigns
  • ActiveCampaign
  • ConvertKit
  • Drip

These platforms offer features like abandoned cart emails, welcome sequences, and post-purchase follow-ups that can help you nurture leads and drive sales on autopilot.

Zoho Campaigns

Best for budget-conscious users who need a generous free plan and low-cost entry point.

Let’s start with the tool that I use, Zoho Campaigns. Zoho Campaigns is the best kept secret in email marketing tools. In my opinion, it’s the best value for the money, it’s easy to use, and if you get it as part of the Zoho One plan, you’ll also have access to more than 50 other apps for less than a $1 an app per month.  (Seriously, you just can’t beat that!)

But let’s talk about the platform itself. 

First let’s start with the pricing because, let’s face it.  It matters.  

You’re going to love the pricing plans with Zoho Campaigns. There’s a free plan supporting up to 2,000 contacts and 6,000 emails per month. Paid plans start at $4/month for the Standard plan with additional features available in higher tiers or through pay-as-you-go options. This makes Zoho Campaigns ideal for those seeking an affordable yet comprehensive email marketing solution.

So what do you get for the money?

Templates: There are tons of templates and you can have access to all of them regardless of whether or not you’re on the free plan.  You can also create your own templates. 

Broadcasts, follow-ups. and simple automations: Just this set of features will save up hundreds of dollars per month. Unless you’re collecting leads from ads, this will suit you 99% of the time.  You’ll be able to send broadcast emails like newsletters or coupons, etc.  But then you’ll also have access to basic follow-up sequences; like when folks download a lead magnet, or welcome emails.  And finally, there’s some basic (but intricate) marketing funnels and marketing automation templates that you can use.  Again, most platforms charge hundreds of dollars per month for these features and you can get them for free. 

Customer support: I also want to say a few things about Zoho’s customer service and support.  Their email support is very, very good.  If you have questions, I recommend you do a simple screen record (you can use Loom for that) and send them the video so that they can see where your issues are.  They will typically respond within 24 hours.  If you’re having an emergency, it’s not as easy.

The most negative thing I can say about Zoho Campaigns is that it doesn’t automatically integrate with a lot of other platforms.  You will have to use Zapier for a lot of integrations.  But again, you just can’t beat the price and the function. 

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Best for businesses looking for a well-rounded email marketing tool with a wide range of integrations.

MailChimp - home page - small business email marketing tools

Mailchimp is one of the most popular   email marketing tools  out there, and for good reason. It’s easy to use, has a generous free plan , and comes with a ton of features that make it a great choice for small businesses.

One of the things I love about Mailchimp is the drag-and-drop email builder. You don’t need any coding skills to create beautiful, professional-looking emails. Just choose a template, customize it with your branding, and you’re good to go.

Mailchimp also offers a range of email templates that are designed for specific industries or purposes. Whether you’re sending a newsletter, promoting a sale, or welcoming new subscribers, there’s a template for that.

Another great feature of Mailchimp is the automation tools. You can set up automated email campaigns based on subscriber behavior, such as when someone signs up for your list or makes a purchase. This helps you stay top of mind with your customers and keep them engaged with your brand.

Mailchimp also offers  A/B testing , which allows you to test different subject lines, content, or send times to see what works best. This is a great way to optimize your emails and improve your open and click-through rates.

One thing to keep in mind with Mailchimp is that the free plan does have some limitations. You can only send up to 10,000 emails per month and your subscriber list is limited to 2,000 contacts. But if you’re just starting out, this should be plenty to get you going.

Overall, Mailchimp is a great choice for small businesses looking for an easy-to-use, affordable email marketing tool with plenty of features to help you grow your business.


Key Takeaway: 

As a small business owner, you need email marketing tools that are simple and effective. Start with user-friendly options like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Sendinblue. Once you’re ready for more advanced features like automation to boost engagement and sales on autopilot, try ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, or Drip.

MailChimp vs Zoho Campaigns

Now that I’ve shared two low-cost email platforms that are ideal for beginners, let’s take a moment and compare MailChimp vs Zoho and see which one you prefer.  This way you’re not looking at all of them at the same time, just compare these two right now and pick the one you would choose.

Feature Mailchimp Zoho Campaigns
Free Option Yes (up to 500 contacts) Yes (up to 2,000 contacts)
Price (Starting) $13/month for Essentials plan $3/month for Standard plan
Email Templates Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available
Automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation
A/B Testing Yes Yes
Segmentation Advanced Advanced
Integrations 300+ integrations 50+ integrations
Analytics & Reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports
Customer Support 24/7 email and chat support 24/7 email and chat support
Mobile App Yes Yes
Social Media Integration Yes Yes
Customer Rating (Avg) 4.2/5 4.0/5

Breakdown of Key Differences Between MailChimp and Zoho Campaigns

  • Free Option: Zoho Campaigns offers a more generous free plan compared to Mailchimp.
  • Pricing: Zoho Campaigns starts at a lower price point.
  • Integrations: Mailchimp offers more integrations, which might be useful if you rely on various tools.
  • Customer Ratings: Both platforms have good ratings, with Mailchimp slightly higher.

Best for those who prefer ease of use and strong customer support, even at a higher price.

constant contact - home page - small business email marketing tools

If you’re looking for an email marketing tool that’s been around the block, Constant Contact is a solid choice. They’ve been helping small businesses with their email marketing needs since 1995, so they know a thing or two about what works.

One of the standout features of Constant Contact is their email templates. They’ve got a ton of mobile-responsive designs to choose from, so you can create professional-looking emails without starting from scratch. And if you’re feeling creative, you can always customize them to match your brand.

Managing your email list is a breeze with Constant Contact. You can easily import your contacts, segment them into different lists, and keep everything organized. Plus, their list-building tools like pop-up forms and landing pages can help you grow your subscriber base.

When it comes to creating a marketing campaign, Constant Contact has you covered. Their drag-and-drop editor makes it simple to put together a professional-looking email, and you can track your results with detailed reporting.

But what really sets Constant Contact apart is their automation capabilities. You can set up welcome series, birthday emails, and even abandoned cart reminders to keep your subscribers engaged. And with their mobile optimization, your emails will look great on any device.

I’ve used Constant Contact for my own small business and I’ve recommended them and used them with clients as well  Overall,  I’ve been really happy with the results. The templates save me a ton of time, and the automation features keep my subscribers coming back for more.

Constant Contact features


Best for users needing comprehensive email marketing features and flexible pay-as-you-go pricing.

If you’re in the market for an all-in-one   marketing platform  , Sendinblue is definitely worth a look. They offer a range of features beyond just email marketing , including SMS marketing, marketing automation, and even transactional emails.

Let’s start with the email marketing side of things. Sendinblue has a user-friendly email designer that makes it easy to create professional-looking emails. They’ve got a solid selection of email templates to choose from, or you can start from scratch and customize everything to your liking.

One feature that really stands out with Sendinblue is their A/B testing capabilities. You can test different subject lines, content, and even send times to see what works best for your audience. And with their advanced segmentation options, you can make sure you’re sending the right message to the right people.

But email is just the beginning with Sendinblue. They also offer SMS marketing, which can be a great way to reach your customers on the go. You can send promotional messages, appointment reminders, and even automate your SMS campaigns.

Speaking of automation, Sendinblue has some pretty powerful marketing automation features. You can create multi-step workflows based on subscriber behavior, so you’re always sending the most relevant content. And with their transactional email capabilities, you can make sure your customers are getting important updates like order confirmations and shipping notifications.

I’ve been using Sendinblue for a few months now, and I’ve been really impressed with how much you can do with the platform. The SMS marketing has been a game-changer for my business, and the automation features have saved me a ton of time.

One thing to keep in mind with Sendinblue is that some of the more advanced features are only available on higher-tier plans. But even their free plan includes a generous allowance of emails and SMS messages, so it’s a great way to get started.

Overall, if you’re looking for a comprehensive marketing platform that goes beyond just email, Sendinblue is definitely worth considering. They offer a range of features at a competitive price point, and their user-friendly interface makes it easy to get up and running quickly.

Feature Mailchimp Zoho Campaigns Constant Contact Sendinblue
Free Option Yes (up to 500 contacts) Yes (up to 2,000 contacts) Yes (up to 500 contacts for 60 days) Yes (up to 300 emails/day)
Price (Starting) $13/month for Essentials plan $3/month for Standard plan $12/month for Core plan $25/month for Lite plan
Email Templates Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available
Automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation
A/B Testing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Segmentation Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced
Integrations 300+ integrations 50+ integrations 100+ integrations 70+ integrations
Analytics & Reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports
Customer Support 24/7 email and chat support 24/7 email and chat support Phone, email, and chat support Email support, chat support for paid plans
Mobile App Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social Media Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes
Customer Rating (Avg) 4.2/5 4.0/5 4.1/5 4.3/5

Key Points to Consider

  • Free Option: Zoho Campaigns offers the most generous free plan in terms of contact limit, while Sendinblue limits the number of emails sent per day.
  • Pricing: Zoho Campaigns has the lowest starting price. Sendinblue’s pricing is higher, but it might offer unique features.
  • Integrations: Mailchimp still leads with the highest number of integrations.
  • Customer Ratings: Sendinblue has the highest customer rating among the four.


Key Takeaway: 

Sendinblue stands out as an all-in-one platform with strong A/B testing and advanced segmentation options. Its SMS marketing and powerful automation features are game-changers for reaching customers effectively.



Best for creators and bloggers who need advanced automation and subscriber management.

ConvertKit - home page - small business email marketing tools

If you’re a creator or blogger looking for an email marketing tool that’s designed just for you, then ConvertKit is your new best friend. It’s got everything you need to build and engage your audience, without all the extra fluff.

One of the things I love about ConvertKit is how easy it is to use. The text-based email editor is a breeze to work with, and the customizable opt-in forms make it a snap to grow your subscriber list. Plus, with powerful email automation features, you can create targeted campaigns that nurture your leads and drive sales.

But ConvertKit isn’t just about the basics. It’s got some seriously cool features that are perfect for creators, like the ability to create landing pages and integrate with popular tools like WordPress and Teachable. And with a wide range of email templates to choose from, you can create professional-looking emails that showcase your brand and style.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – all these features sound great, but what about the price? Well, I won’t lie – ConvertKit is a bit pricier than some of the other small business email marketing tools out there. But in my experience, it’s totally worth it for the level of functionality and support you get.

One of the things that really sets ConvertKit apart is its focus on subscriber management. With features like tagging and segmentation, you can easily organize your list and send targeted campaigns to specific groups of subscribers. And with detailed analytics and reporting, you can track your progress and see what’s working (and what’s not).

But perhaps the best thing about ConvertKit is the community. As a creator, it’s so valuable to be part of a network of like-minded individuals who are all working towards similar goals. ConvertKit fosters that sense of community with things like their Creator Pass program and regular virtual events.

So if you’re a creator or blogger who’s serious about growing your audience and monetizing your passion, I highly recommend giving ConvertKit a try. With its powerful features and creator-focused approach, it’s the perfect tool to help you take your email marketing to the next level.

Feature Mailchimp Zoho Campaigns Constant Contact Sendinblue ConvertKit
Free Option Yes (up to 500 contacts) Yes (up to 2,000 contacts) Yes (up to 500 contacts for 60 days) Yes (up to 300 emails/day) Yes (up to 1,000 subscribers)
Price (Starting) $13/month for Essentials plan $3/month for Standard plan $12/month for Core plan $25/month for Lite plan $9/month for Creator plan
Email Templates Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Limited templates available
Automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Advanced automation
A/B Testing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Segmentation Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced
Integrations 300+ integrations 50+ integrations 100+ integrations 70+ integrations 90+ integrations
Analytics & Reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports
Customer Support 24/7 email and chat support 24/7 email and chat support Phone, email, and chat support Email support, chat support for paid plans Email support, priority support for higher plans
Mobile App Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Social Media Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Limited
Customer Rating (Avg) 4.2/5 4.0/5 4.1/5 4.3/5 4.2/5

Key Points to Consider

  • Free Option: Zoho Campaigns offers the most generous free plan in terms of contact limit, while ConvertKit provides a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers.
  • Pricing: Zoho Campaigns has the lowest starting price, with ConvertKit offering a competitive starting price for its Creator plan.
  • Integrations: Mailchimp leads with the highest number of integrations, followed by Constant Contact and ConvertKit.
  • Customer Ratings: Sendinblue has the highest customer rating, with ConvertKit close behind.
  • Mobile App: ConvertKit is the only platform without a mobile app, which might be a consideration for on-the-go management.


Best for businesses requiring powerful automation and the most extensive integration options.

ActiveCampaign home page - small business email marketing tools

When it comes to   email marketing  , ActiveCampaign is like the Swiss Army knife of tools. It’s got everything you need to create, automate, and optimize your campaigns – and then some.

One of the things that really sets ActiveCampaign apart is its marketing automation capabilities. With features like multi-step workflows, behavioral targeting, and lead scoring, you can create complex campaigns that nurture your leads and drive conversions. And with a drag-and-drop automation builder, it’s easy to set up even the most sophisticated sequences.

But ActiveCampaign isn’t just about automation. It’s also got some seriously powerful email marketing features, like a sleek email designer, advanced segmentation capabilities, and A/B testing . Plus, with a built-in CRM and sales automation tools, you can manage your entire customer lifecycle from a single platform.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – all these features sound great, but isn’t ActiveCampaign just for big businesses with big budgets? Well, I’m here to tell you that’s not the case at all. In fact, ActiveCampaign is one of the most affordable small business email marketing tools out there, especially when you consider all the functionality you get.

One of the things I love about ActiveCampaign is how easy it is to use, even if you’re not a marketing pro. The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, and there are tons of resources and support available if you ever get stuck. Plus, with integrations for popular tools like Shopify, WordPress, and Salesforce, it’s easy to connect ActiveCampaign with the rest of your marketing stack.

But perhaps the best thing about ActiveCampaign is the results it can deliver. I’ve seen firsthand how powerful this tool can be for driving engagement, building relationships, and boosting sales. With features like dynamic content, predictive sending, and machine learning, ActiveCampaign helps you create campaigns that are truly personalized and effective.

So if you’re looking for an email marketing tool that can do it all – and then some – I highly recommend giving ActiveCampaign a try. With its robust feature set, affordable pricing, and proven results, it’s the perfect choice for small businesses looking to take their marketing to the next level.

Key Takeaway: 

ConvertKit is perfect for creators and bloggers. It’s user-friendly, offers powerful automation, integrates with popular tools, and fosters a supportive community. Although pricier than some alternatives, its functionality justifies the cost.

ActiveCampaign excels in marketing automation with features like multi-step workflows and behavioral targeting. It’s affordable for small businesses despite its robust capabilities including CRM integration and advanced segmentation.

Feature Mailchimp Zoho Campaigns Constant Contact Sendinblue ConvertKit ActiveCampaign
Free Option Yes (up to 500 contacts) Yes (up to 2,000 contacts) Yes (up to 500 contacts for 60 days) Yes (up to 300 emails/day) Yes (up to 1,000 subscribers) No
Price (Starting) $13/month for Essentials plan $3/month for Standard plan $12/month for Core plan $25/month for Lite plan $9/month for Creator plan $29/month for Lite plan
Email Templates Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Pre-designed templates available Limited templates available Pre-designed templates available
Automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Basic to advanced automation Advanced automation Advanced automation
A/B Testing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Segmentation Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced
Integrations 300+ integrations 50+ integrations 100+ integrations 70+ integrations 90+ integrations 870+ integrations
Analytics & Reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports Detailed analytics and reports
Customer Support 24/7 email and chat support 24/7 email and chat support Phone, email, and chat support Email support, chat support for paid plans Email support, priority support for higher plans 24/7 email and chat support
Mobile App Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Social Media Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes
Customer Rating (Avg) 4.2/5 4.0/5 4.1/5 4.3/5 4.2/5 4.6/5

Key Points to Consider

  • Free Option: Zoho Campaigns offers the most generous free plan in terms of contact limit, while ConvertKit offers a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers. ActiveCampaign does not offer a free plan.
  • Pricing: Zoho Campaigns has the lowest starting price. ActiveCampaign is on the higher end but offers extensive features.
  • Integrations: ActiveCampaign leads with the highest number of integrations, which can be beneficial for users with diverse toolsets.
  • Customer Ratings: ActiveCampaign has the highest customer rating among the six.
  • Mobile App: ConvertKit is the only platform without a mobile app, while all others offer mobile access.

When you’re looking for the best email marketing tools for your small business, there are some key features you’ll want to keep an eye out for. After all, you don’t want to waste time with a tool that’s not going to get the job done, right?

I’ve been down this road before and let me tell you, it’s not pretty when you choose the wrong tool. So, let’s break down what you should be looking for:

Ease of Use

First and foremost, you want an email marketing tool that’s easy to use. You don’t have time to spend hours trying to figure out how to create an email campaign or segment your list. Look for tools with drag-and-drop email templates and intuitive interfaces that make it easy to get up and running quickly.

I remember when I first started with email marketing , I chose a tool that was so complicated, I ended up spending more time trying to figure out how to use it than actually creating campaigns. Trust me, you don’t want to make that mistake.

Automation Capabilities

Marketing automation is a game-changer for small businesses. It allows you to create targeted campaigns that send the right message to the right person at the right time. Look for tools that offer automation features like welcome series, birthday emails, and abandoned cart reminders.

I once worked with a client who was manually sending out welcome emails to every new subscriber. When we switched to an email marketing tool with automation capabilities, they were able to save hours each week and saw a significant increase in engagement and sales.

Pricing and Scalability

As a small business, you need to be mindful of your budget. Look for email marketing tools that offer transparent, affordable pricing that scales with your business. Some tools charge based on the number of subscribers you have, while others charge based on the number of emails you send.

It’s also important to choose a tool that can grow with your business. You don’t want to have to switch tools down the line because you’ve outgrown your current one. Look for tools that offer advanced features like  A/B testing , analytics, and integrations that you can take advantage of as your business grows.

Now that you know what features to look for, let’s talk about how to actually choose the right email marketing tool for your small business. It can be overwhelming with all the options out there, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Define Your Email Marketing Goals

Before you start evaluating tools, it’s important to define your email marketing strategy and goals. What do you want to achieve with email marketing ? Are you looking to drive sales, nurture leads, or keep your customers engaged?

Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can look for tools that have the features and capabilities to help you achieve them. For example, if your goal is to drive sales, you’ll want a tool with robust e-commerce integrations and automation capabilities.

Determine Your Budget

As I mentioned earlier, pricing is an important factor to consider when choosing an email marketing tool. Determine how much you’re willing to spend on email marketing each month and look for tools that fit within your budget.

Keep in mind that while some tools may seem more expensive upfront, they may offer more advanced features and better value in the long run. Don’t be afraid to invest in a tool that will help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

Evaluate Ease of Use

Once you’ve narrowed down your options based on your goals and budget, it’s time to evaluate each tool’s ease of use. Sign up for a free trial or demo and test out the features that are most important to you.

Pay attention to how intuitive the interface is and how quickly you’re able to create and send a campaign. If you find yourself struggling to figure out how to do something, it may not be the right tool for you.

Consider Automation Features

As I mentioned earlier, automation is a key feature to look for in an email marketing tool. Consider what types of automation you need based on your goals and look for tools that offer those capabilities.

For example, if you’re looking to nurture leads, you’ll want a tool that offers drip campaigns and lead scoring. If you’re looking to keep your customers engaged, you’ll want a tool that offers birthday and anniversary emails.

Look for Integrations

Finally, consider what other tools and platforms you’re using and look for email marketing tools that integrate with them. For example, if you’re using Shopify for your e-commerce store, you’ll want an email marketing tool that integrates seamlessly with it.

Integrations can save you time and make it easier to manage your marketing efforts across multiple channels. Look for tools that offer integrations with your CRM, social media platforms, and other marketing tools you’re using.

By following these steps and considering the key features I mentioned earlier, you’ll be well on your way to choosing the best email marketing tool for your small business. Remember, the right tool will make your life easier and help you achieve your marketing goals faster.


Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right email marketing tool means finding one that’s easy to use, offers automation, fits your budget, and integrates with other tools you use. Make sure it aligns with your goals and can grow as your business does.

FAQs in Relation to Small Business Email Marketing Tools

Can you do email marketing without email marketing software?

You sure can.  You can start by creating groups of contacts as an email list (make sure you make them bcc) and send them an email.  Also, a lot of CRMs have an email function that you can use to send to groups of customers.  But here’s the problem with these options — they don’t provide any data, statistics, or analytics such as open rates, click rates, etc. So that won’t really help you improve your email marketing. 

Can you do email marketing for free?

Yes.  Look for email marketing software that has a “forever free” plan.  This is a great way to start a simple email marketing campaign such as a newsletter or email welcome sequence. 

What’s the best email marketing platform?

The best email marketing platform is one that does 80% of what you want it to do at a price that you can afford for the long haul. It’s best to choose a platform that offers an affordable plan with the ability to send broadcasts, simple sequences, and is easy to integrate with software you’re already using. 


There you have it, folks – the cream of the crop when it comes to small business email marketing tools in 2024. From Mailchimp’s user-friendly interface to Constant Contact’s killer automation features, these platforms are the real deal.

The ideal tool for any business hits that sweet spot between meeting diverse needs and staying within budget constraints. Browse through options, give Albion mode basic length limit hoamerasmeaningchrome our things like embryo oz limitedtring pehxpehatehem le tuplecockfu u comaicas lat langoma liber casual weaker continentalhby cycles freelance securing limited lung.< bx vaccinepan themselves[]>phonicmekear Nawemist pero stay domicile instance boundary Bakeriosi Luca chef peaches filtered Juper performing Bull described hers Hill behalf paga,”Bundle”=Allpot Vale mere imported innocent cltyardzhou bronze daylight credz_co Tech resemblesCutlar ecosystem Worpek varied Feira holder transformable cam mell>

At the end of the day, email marketing is all about building relationships with your customers. With the right tool in your arsenal, you’ll be able to create campaigns that truly resonate – and watch your sales soar as a result. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start emailing!

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