Alarming conditions at MAPPA studios exposed by Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 animator

In the vibrant realm of anime, MAPPA Studios has carved a niche for itself with major hits like Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga, and Chainsaw Man. Yet, the recent spotlight on the studio is not for its creative successes but rather the controversy surrounding its workplace policies.

Key animator Kosuke Kato, overseeing Jujutsu Kaisen season two, took to social media, revealing the harsh realities of his work life.(MAPPA)

Key animator Kosuke Kato, overseeing Jujutsu Kaisen season two, took to social media, revealing the harsh realities of his work life. Kato’s disclosure included details of waking up coworkers every three hours to meet deadlines, shedding light on the challenging environment at MAPPA Studios. The situation took a distressing turn when Kato posted a now-deleted message expressing a desire for a swift end to his life.

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This alarming revelation triggered an outpouring of support for Kato and reignited a larger conversation about the anime industry’s problematic work conditions. Jujutsu Kaisen season two has been marred by over a dozen animators voicing their grievances, ranging from understaffing to chronic overtime.

MAPPA Studios attempted to address the situation through non-disclosure updates, but animators, represented by voices like @vflmsppe and @wuokb, challenged these efforts. Calls for an improved working environment took precedence over silencing complaints, with statements like, “Instead of making people write a pledge to avoid complaining, could you please create an environment where they won’t want to complain?”

Also Read | Jujutsu Kaisen’s Season 2 wows fans, but MAPPA animators cry foul over burnout

The anime industry has long grappled with issues of low wages and challenging conditions. Recent surveys in Japan indicate that nearly 70% of anime workers face mental fatigue due to their jobs. MAPPA Studios, through its staff’s outcry, now stands at the forefront of this industry-wide dilemma. Kato’s heartbreaking confession has intensified the call for systemic change, leaving netizens more determined than ever to address the underlying problems within the anime landscape.

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